Advocacy Center



The Film & Television Production Incentive program has made Massachusetts a leading filmmaking destination that supports thousands of local families with good-paying jobs and generates millions of dollars in spending to local businesses. Thousands of workers have returned to work on film and television sets across Massachusetts after months of being shut down during the Covid-19 pandemic. But the incentive program is scheduled to end, and if the sunset of it isn't eliminated, these jobs and livelihoods will disappear again.

The Massachusetts film and television production industry can be a catalyst in the state's economic recovery, or it can disappear.

Massachusetts is poised and ready to capture the growing streaming TV industry that will bring even more good-paying jobs to the Commonwealth for years to come. We are now attracting multi-year episodic television series, which employ more local workers, use more local businesses, and are the engine of growth for our local film industry. These productions are making decisions now about where to film in the coming years, and uncertainty about the future of MA’s production incentive encourages them to film elsewhere. Our industry can help lead in a rapid economic recovery for Massachusetts, but only if the expiration date of the film production incentive is eliminated.

The Massachusetts State Legislature has passed a State Budget that makes the state’s Film & Television Production Incentive program permanent.

Now Governor Baker must sign this section into law!

Take Action!

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The future of MA Film Jobs is being decided right now!


The Massachusetts legislature passed a new State Budget for FY'2022 including a provision (SECTION 68) to make the state’s Film, TV, and Streaming Production Incentive permanent by removing the program's expiration date completely.

Governor Baker now has 10 days to sign, veto, or amend this measure. He and Lt. Governor Polito need to hear from you! Make sure they hear from Mass. residents that want this industry to stay and continue to grow in our state.

Contact Governor Baker today!

Contact Governor Baker!

Thank Your State Legislators

Please take a moment to personally thank your state legislators for their hard work to support our cause, and protect and grow Massachusetts film jobs!


Film Incentive Proposals in Conference Committee


The House and Senate have competing proposals on the film incentive program. As part of the state budget debate, the House of Representatives voted 160-0 to eliminate the expiration date of the incentive program and make it permanent. The State Senate, in their budget, proposed changes that would effectively kill the program and make it uncompetitive.

Learn how to take action during the Conference Committee process.

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How to Take Action!

We are pressing to achieve as many co-sponsors to the bills as possible. More co-sponsors increases the chances of the bills becoming law. Read here for a list of steps you can take.

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Co-Sponsors to HD.657 and SD.344

See if your legislators have signed on to co-sponsor the bills to eliminate the expiration of the film incentive program.

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Senate Proposal Puts Film & TV Industry in Jeopardy!


The State Senate budget proposal includes changes to the Film & Television Incentive that would send jobs out of state and devastate local businesses.

Please contact your State Senator today!

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House Includes Budget Amendment to Preserve Film Incentive!


The MA House of Representatives voted unanimously to remove the pending expiration date of the film incentive program in its state budget proposal. This is a major step forward in our campaign!

Read for information on next steps in the state budget process for this to become law.

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Advocacy Campaign


Industry Impact

A page for lawmakers filled with impact, studies, and key findings to understand the local impact of the state’s film and television production industry

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A group of SAG-AFTRA New England members and local talent made a terrific video to raise awareness and encourage members of their community to engage in advocacy. Share on your favorite social media platforms!

Local Businesses Urge Action to Remove Expiration of Film Production Incentive

Over 100 small businesses in the state's film and television industry sent a letter to the legislature, urging them to act quickly to eliminate the sunset date on the state's film tax credit. Major film, TV, and streaming productions are making decisions now about where to film in the coming years, but uncertainty about the future of MA’s production incentive puts these productions and the businesses that benefit at risk.

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The sunset is a barrier to capital investment right now.

In this video, local business owners speak about the investments they are prepared to make that are on hold because of the looming sunset of the film production incentive.

Report Quantifies Economic Impact of Hulu's Castle Rock, Season 1 

A new first-of-its kind study quantifies the economic impact of film and television production in Massachusetts by examining the impact of 1 season of an episodic series production.

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Industry News


Your help is needed to keep film jobs and businesses alive in Massachusetts!

Donate to the campaign to support this important work.

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